Friday, May 1, 2009

Spring to Finish...

Well I didn't quite get my Spring to Finish stuff done by the end of April and you know what? It doesn't matter! I won't win the prizes, but I am quite proud of myself that I got 6 tops completed and ready for quilting...pinning included and two are large quilts. I have the 3rd almost done and by the end of the weekend I hope to have all 6 of them bound and called D-O-N-E!!

That's enough to make me smile and count myself as a winner!

I wanted to show the Taupe Tumbler ready to start up again with the last little bit left to quilt. I love the color I used...Aurifil 1140 coconut, I think. I ordered it once to substitute for the 1138 and it's a lovely brown. It blends with everything so well I have crossed myself a couple times not seeing my own stitches!

I'm quilting right over top all the applique and all. No need to have to go around them all and then sew them down too. The very large meander cover it all and does a good job. I would have done a smaller meander but with the heaviness of this top. I was afraid the quilt would stand on it's own! Besides, Warm and Natural has a quilting recommendation of being quilted every 10 inches! SO I have that covered well.

Now the last thing you have to see is this video! if your cats ever wake you up in the morning you will howl at this...Pixel is my alarm clock every morning. Minus the bat..he does exactly this e-v-e-r-y day. Pay close attention to the cat at the very last minute! Cat video on YouTube. I used to know how to show it here, but somehow I can't figure it out at the follow the link.


  1. Woo Hoo some finishes in the near future...sounds like we have a great show and share at your place next week!

  2. Wow -- congratulations Judy -- that's a LOT to finish -- you should be VERY proud!!!

  3. You are a winner in my book!
    That tumbler quilt needs to visit my house for a while when you get it done. LOL!

  4. Good for you Judy! That is a lot to finish and you are so'll have lots done next week...Standing and Cheering for you!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. You achieved a lot in April, I'm amazed at how much you get done. The quilting on the tumbler looks fantastic and you're right about the thread, it's perfect.

  6. its a beautiful quilt
    I wanted to order this bom when it came out, now I am sorry I didn't order it
    just beautiful

  7. I can just imagine how thrilled you will be to have these quilts checked off in the done column. I can hardly wait to see that tumbler!

  8. I think you've done great getting all you have done in April! You are quite the prolific quilter. Your projects always look amazing.

  9. you definitely should be proud! you made gobs of progress...and all those will be may great is that!


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