Monday, March 16, 2009

losers and thrifting...

Okay, so I'm not really doing the "Loser" thing anymore. I've got way too much on my mind and I don't want to have to think "did I do my post?" but I'll try to keep up. I did weight myself...really just to see how much the cast iron iron weighed..but I stayed about the same. Sorry General, my hearts just not into it right now.

The other day I set off to the local antique hub to get a few things from the thrift stores. I was searching for blue glass jars...some filled with buttons, a heavy cast iron antique iron, some old wire metal baskets, and some older tin boxes...or newer. Just neat smallish sizes to keep projects. I was successful in finding some of my treasures!

Hit the jackpot with the blue jars. I could have bought 6 or 8 more but let's not get nuts. I know where they are, so I can always go back...these will more than do me for now. I almost jumped for joy seeing that tall one with the metal lid. I rarely see them that size...and that day I found two! One metal top... one glass! Notice how the tall one has more green in the coloration? I'll find buttons later, or thread spools, or whatever to put inside or just leave them to enjoy empty. I love both kinds of lids actually, but I am partial to the metal ones. I had no clue what metal that was until Libby mentioned the zinc lids. I just like the milk glass wedges in the top.

You can also see the cast iron antique iron I found. Good and heavy...about 5 pounds! What I plan to use it for is a weight to hold my doll quilts when I can't use a hoop but I need that pull for doing the rocking stitch. When I use it, I'll explain in a future post. I remember Lea using something called a Mighty Iron? in Japan and I thought this would work perfectly for just that.

I didn't find any baskets or tins but I have more places to check some other day. However, I did happen upon a stall that had a big box of old letters and postcards. Does anyone else love reading old letters? I stood there for about 15 minutes looking at different letters and I pulled out this one and read the first page LOVING it, so it was mine. $1 no problem. I didn't even pay attention to the postmark, but I knew it was old. Look at that handwriting!

I get home and sit down and it dawned on me 1984...there was no 2 cent stamp in 1984..OMG!! Could this be 1884!!! Look 1884! Does this bore anyone? Because I am fascinated by it. This letter is written from a young lady to her fiance 114 years ago! It blows my mind to hold something 114 years old in my hands.It's also hilarious! and completely in keeping with today at the same time. Well not the trousseau part, but the way she gently scolds him about his finances. I have more pictures and I'll write out the letter if it's something anyone else is interested let me know. I've read it about 10 times! I even went back the second day to search that big shoe box for more letters from them! I'll just say I was sort of successful. You tell me if you want to hear more. I don't want to bore you with totally non quilty stuff. Have a good day sewing ladies!


  1. I'd love to read the contents of that letter, Judy. I have a similar letter from a young man to his beau (around here somewhere) which I have read over and over. Do share!

  2. Great finds! Especially the letter. How fun to find one that old!!

  3. Completely envious over the blue jars--- I have one and it's an imitation 1976 Ball reproduction, still sorta cool... but you have the real thing. enjoy.

  4. Not bored one bit...can we hear what the rest of the letter say? Sounds wonderful so far.

  5. More please!!! I love the strange stuff too, I feel a club starting.

  6. YES!!! I'd love to hear more! Also, you humor with me about your weight only being checked as you got on the scale to weigh the other! Isn't that how we weigh our pets as well? Great Post...left me wanting more!

  7. Looks like you had a really fun day -- I love old letters, although they're often really hard to read!

  8. This sounds very interesting to me. I post about more than quilting on my blog and enjoy reading various posts of interest on others' blogs too.

  9. Absolutely, I want to hear more. I just came back from cleaning out some more of my Dad's house. Dear Brothers and I found a stack of postcards written to my grandmother from various relatives around 1908. One was from HER grandmother so my great-great grandmother! Another stack was all the letters my Dad had written his parents when he was in college and in the Marines (mostly asking for money LOL) My grandma must have kept them all those years and given them to him. I love those old letters so YES, I would love to hear yours!

  10. I love the blue glass, very nice with quilts etc. My mom kept a stack of letters from my dad when he was away with the military and I have my grandfathers diaries.
    Please share more

  11. I'm so glad the letter found a happy home. I have every letter Hubby has ever written . . . . and with his long absences in the service - there are a lot! I don't suppose The Princess will want them all, but I hope that someday after we are long gone she has the chance to read them all, learn some things about her folks, shred a bunch and save a few that seem the most precious to her *s*

  12. Oh, please read the letter to us! how wonderful and special that you saved this precious letter. Love this old stuff. Lizzie

  13. Love your blue glass...and that letter...oh yes, please can we hear the whole thing.

  14. You found some great things Judy. Love the letter. I love reading old stuff like that.
    No worries on the loser club I hear ya totally.

  15. Judy! Would love to hear more about what's in the letter. Just love antique anything and anything historical. Also love the handwriting - I wish I could write like that. Love your blue jars. Also wish I could find cool stuff in thrift stores. Nothing seems to be old in California!

  16. What wonderful finds, especially the tall jar. I went in shop that had a bunch sitting up on a high shelf, all in mint condition. She said they were her moms and she might sell them one day.


  17. Love old letters. I have a few myself. And post cards. I'd love to read the rest of it. Love the jars. I just can't find anything around here.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!