Friday, December 12, 2008

pokeberry again...

Just a baby post since I'm working up to a BIG post with lots of explanations in the next day or so about the SLOL quilt...see it's going together, but it's not going easily. So, no biggie, I can adapt but I want to make sure I explain it correctly and easily.

So I'll leave you right now with another block for the pokeberry quilt... what I refer to as the weird branch block! Ha! See, red bird is rightly in his place and Noodle is still alive...all is right again.


  1. great block! yes the same one I am working on now too! and yes I had to have 3 red birds as well! glad to hear Noodle is still alive
    and well!

  2. I am very relieved to hear that Noodle is still alive lol!! The block looks great :)

  3. I like the block and enjoyed making mine. It is kind of a "different" tree but that is what makes it a "Cheri" kind of pattern.


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