Wednesday, December 17, 2008

cool ornies and things...

I was goofing online when I went on a google search for some scrap wool ornament patterns. I was inspired by Libby's wreaths, several others wool ornies, and some cool prim ornies I have seen at places I can't remember at the moment. But I found loads of cool places and links to share...

Jennifer at Swallowfield has the most wonderful wool poinsettia ornaments.
She also made a great wool scrap covered wreath too.

Betz White has the most fabulous large recycled sweater wreath. It's really to die for and a thrifters heavenly use for all those sweater cuffs. Her post contains tutorials to making most of the different parts of the wreath.
Betz also has a very cute gingerbread ornament pattern for sale in her shop too.
Okay one more...a fabulous tree!
Seriously, I kept rolling to her next post and seeing MORE cool ornaments so please just check out her blog because otherwise this list will be approaching gothic novel length!

Recovergirl has made the coolest wool circle wreath from recycled felted wool sweaters inspired by another wreath!

PepperPaints made wool scrap wreaths from her 1.5" scrap pieces.
She and her kids also made felted soap bars and cinnamon ornaments!

The Long Thread has directions for a ribbon wreath that could easily be adapted to any color!

These are just a few of the cool things I found! Not to mention some new blogs I'll have to read from now on...that Betz White can do amazing things with felted wool sweater parts!

I'm still sewing away on the pokeberry blocks, but I got so caught up ion those that I neglected a few other things, so time to make a list! I'll be around for the next few weeks but hubby will be off more than he's actually at work so I want to spend time with him and not on the computer. I'll be here, just a little more silent until the new year.

OH, one more thing. Lasty I must say...insert obligatory speech here... the toilet fix was quick and took 10 minutes! All better and no leaking (let's not mention it was the 3rd fix) Hubby conquered and was masterful in his ability to plumb... all without the licensed helpers. When you get the right parts the job is quick and easy. Good going babe, you are again my hero!


  1. Have you ever made those cinnamon applesauce ornies? The house smells FANTASTIC and they last forever. I made some nearly 15 years ago and they still smell wonderful today!

  2. ok, more reasons why I need a wool collection as well!
    these are adorable I have bookmarked them all.

  3. Wow you sure gave us a lot to look at. That means I'll be on this thing for hours and hours tonight. :-)
    I'm so glad your potty is working. I wouldnt even wanna know if it didnt. LOLOL!! Not a pretty site I'm sure.

  4. Wow--thanks for all the links. I love Betz White but for some reason I haven't been to her blog in forever, thanks for the reminder :)
    Oh and I'm so glad you got your toilet fixed...:)

  5. Ooooh, thanks for all the great links!


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