Sunday, December 14, 2008

applique and DVD's...

Early Christmas presents have arrived at my house! I haven't been told all of what I'm getting, but the majority are things I knew about or even ordered myself. It's really fine...I don't do surprises and I don't need them. But while I know most of them, I have NOT torn into all the packages coming into the house! Give me some credit...I can wait. Sort of.

This package I needed. It was my 15 yards of lovely dyed prim muslin. Libby was kind enough to share where she got this fabric a while ago and after ordering 3 yards each of dark and medium muslin to test them out, I fell in love with the way they look. SO I went for a nice big bundle this time. 10 yards of dark and 5 of medium. Should last me for a while. I never asked if this was hand dyed, but it sure looks so. I love the way it gets almost striped at times depending on the dye pattern!

I've spent some of the weekend sewing SLOL pieces and also getting blocks ready for the pokeberry quilt. One thing that takes the most time for me is picking the colors for every piece. That takes me longer than sewing!! That and copying all the pieces onto freezer paper. So Friday night I took the book and the freezer paper and spent time watching movies drawing all the pieces I needed for a while, then cutting them out. Once I got my fabrics picked out I spent 4 hours Saturday morning prep-ing leaves for the wreath block and the rosebush block.

Here's where I am on the wreath block. There are more leaves and flowers to add, but I add as I go. These are good to do while watching all those Christmas classics that we drag out each year. A Christmas Story has been watched twice and will be watched a few more...tonight it was Scrooged. On the list for this week are Elf, It's a Wonderful Life, Home Alone, and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas both new and animated.

Tomorrow night will be devoted to trying to replace the toilet tank guts AGAIN. Poor hubby spent half Saturday and most of today trying to replace what is normally a simple process. But for some reason nothing went right, nothing fit our huge tank, and no matter how tight the valve, it wouldn't stop leaking. How hard can they make this? He's not even sure what to do next. I'm for calling a plumber but he's not ready to admit defeat yet. If you hear screaming tomorrow at about 6pm eastern time...ignore's him and again, it's not working.


  1. Love your wreath. I have done the inner section of mine but ran out of green thread! Guess I will need to stop at the fabric store tomorrow - if I can get off our iced up hill that is.

  2. I know exactly what you say... Im a fabric chooser too...and it takes sooo much time...Just can´t take the first choice..;o)
    Love your wreath...lovely!!

  3. love this block Looks great, I do understand I stand here and constantly second guess myself on my fabric choices.
    Oh I have been wanting that fabric too that Libby told me she used for her stockings.
    ps good luck , I 'd call a plumber today and let him come home to a toilet thats fixed! he will have a good night then.
    lol, which means you will too!!!!!

  4. Love your wreath...I love choosing the fabrics...even though it seems to take forever...but cutting all the freezer paper are so smart to do it with fun movies. Good luck with the plumbing challenge.

  5. Thanks for posting a picture of the muslin. I was thinking about ordering some of it and it looks amazing! -Jeanette

  6. Great block Judy. I love that fabric. When I had my shop I carried that. Love that stuff. Great for stitchery.

  7. That's the muslin I get too--love it! I get mine at my usual place...Country Loft :) I'm like you picking colors takes me way longer than sewing lol!!

  8. Absolutely beautiful block! The way it goes at my house, we spend many more hours and more money to fix the broken stuff than it would take to just call a pro!!

  9.'ve changed the blog look! I'm finally back to NC and checking a few of my favorite blogs. :-) You've been all those applique blocks and you would think yours would motivate me to prepare some for evening stitching!

  10. Hi Judy. I have a little award for you over on my blog just because I really enjoy visiting yours. Thanks for such a fun place to visit.

  11. My husband can be plumbing challenge, too. But he keeps trying and usually solves it after a good while.
    I love choosing the fabrics for my quilt blocks. I find it to be the best part of the quilt process.
    I like to watch the old Christmas movies, too.

  12. Did you buy ALL the muslin they had? It seems they're out of stock now! ROFLOL!

  13. Love reading your blog. I read this post a while ago and ordered some of that fabric. Just one question, do you wash it? It feels pretty stiff.


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