Monday, November 17, 2008

dye job....

Nope, the hair's next week. Today I finally got everything together and decided to dye my first bundle of wool. Way back I bought two bundles of wool with textures from Dorr. Bought 6 colors of dye from Dump n' Dye, recommended from a fellow wool enthusiast and everything sat. SO why not try it out.

I got a FQ of each of 7 textures/colors in each bundle and I cut each into 4 parts so I had 8 sections of each measuring a Fat 16th each. I made those into 8 bundles. Today was the day to try Blueberry Pie!

The wool before dying!! Very cool in it's own right.
The wool after the magical dye job! Loving this so much!

These two are my absolute fav's...probably because the have the highest contrast of colors!

This was after only 10 minutes in the pot simmering. I loved it right at that moment, but I had NO idea how much color would come out after it got washed and dried, so I left it in the pot. It's really only a smidge bit darker. The next color batch I'm pulling a few early for lighter sections and seeing how well it works. Look at the rinsing wool piece, absolutely NO color drained out of that wool. I turned off the burner and let it sit about an hour before I HAD to pull it out.

Also this weekend I started getting my holiday quilt on the wall. Holiday Baskets by Cheri Payne was the first. I showed the top but now it's all finished and on the hanger.

The fuzzy pic of Cheri's Primitive Stick tree! I'm finishing on of her snowman quilts right now as well as getting the Nativity quilt moving, and putting the binding on the Tree's UP quilt. Oh and I found the coolest star buttons made from wood for the tops of the Log Cabin Angel's trees on her quilt! Must sew those on and the on the wall she goes!

If you want to see all the steps and pictures of the wool dying job today, you can click to my flickr account and they are all listed on there. Just click on the picture of flickr quilts on my sidebar!


  1. I love the dye job! I've tried it once and was happy with the results. But these are wonderful.

  2. What fun and a great way to get a nice selection of colors in your stash!
    I put the finishing stitches in Stick Tree a few minutes ago . . . off to take pictures while there's still a little outdoor light.

  3. Ooooooooo.....need I say more? I'm loving the wool and quilts!!

  4. Wonderful dying job!!!! great shade of blue. Your Cheri quilts are inspiring me!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wonderful shades of yummy wooliness. I've never dyed wool before - great job. Loving those quilts, especially that basket quilt. I've got a thing for baskets.


  6. Wow you did such a great dye job. I wish I could send you my hair. Great quilts!

  7. Love the dying process. I have a stack of dyed wool that a friend who rug hooks did. It's so cool. Love all your projects too. You've been busy.

  8. Judy I love your wool color...what a beautiful have been one very busy the Cheri quilts!

  9. Hey there Judy! Catching up again - story of my life. I love your "dye job"! I took a class in wool dying several years ago. Thought we'd get a chance to try it. Instead we watched the instructor do it. Now I can't remember what dye she used or where she got it. And I have a whole bunch of wool that I'd like to dye. Your post is so timely for me! I need to find myself a dye pot and send in an order for the dye. Maybe it's time I followed Kim's lead and went thrifting - should be able to find a big old enamel pot somewhere in the thrift shops!

    I hate, hate hate being behind on my blog reading. And reading them alphabetically means some of my favorites - like you - are way down the line. I think it's time I once again created a bloglines "must read" folder that includes all my favorites so I can stay current on those at least!

  10. Great dye job, I love the blues especially the ones you picked as faves. The basket quilt is wonderful, I love baskets too. The stick tree is very cute as well. Cheri's patterns have so much personality to them.

  11. oh my, oh my! I LOVE the baskets quilt! and the blue wool -mmmm!

  12. Oh I love the dyed wool! I'm heading over to your flickr to check out the whole process!


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