Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sweet Land of Liberty blog ending.

*********UPDATED UPDATE***** Seems it's easy enough to switch the admin over for the blog to me, so I emailed the instructions to Beth and hopefully we'll get it done in the next week or so. I don't have any plans to close it down for the foreseeable future and might even just start doing the ABC Quilt Sampler blocks and posting those there too. Thanks ladies*************

**** UPDATE***** We convinced Beth to keep the blog open until the end of the year. Hopefully I can find some way of switching over the authorship to me so she can eliminate it from her list and I can just leave it open for anyone who wishes to read at a later date. I'm looking into that with Blogger. If you know how that works, please share! *******THANKS BETH! ****

Beth has decided to stop authoring the Sweet Land of Liberty BOM-along blog. I was the only one still working and posting, but I figured I'd still plug along posting until I finished, for the gals who were still reading about my progress. But it will be gone in 3 days. Anyone who wishes to keep up with the end of my quilt can find the posts I made to the SLOL blog in a few places on this blog :

Two ways to find them. Either look under the archives for April 2007 or
click the sidebar link under "Cool Stuff to See" labeled Sweet Land of Liberty: Block by block Tutorial.

I was hoping a few of the ladies would have jumped back into doing the blocks, but I'll soldier on and get mine finished. Hopefully real soon.


  1. sorry to see she is closing the blog
    wonder if someone else could just take it over?
    would hate to lose the tutorials,
    I have to finish the quilt I am working on, another week the most, then I working on the Christmas bom and SLof LIberty as well
    I have all the months and ma ready to go.
    Guess this is what I get for waiting so long to work on it.

  2. I'm relatively new to your blog, and to this particular project. I went and read the April 2007 posts and was fascinated. What a lovely quilt it will be!

  3. I love that quilt and I wish I have more time. ( *sigh* why do we need sleep 24 hours a day would be so welcome)

    Can't you just close the blog but let it in in the air. I love the posts

  4. I love that quilt and I wish I have more time. ( *sigh* why do we need sleep 24 hours a day would be so welcome)

    Can't you just close the blog but let it in in the air. I love the posts

  5. I put my Sweet Land of Liberty aside but intend on going back to it. I got hung up on one block I did not like. Libby from "A Simple Girl" gave me an idea for replacement. I know I prepared parts for the block and have not been able to find them. Kept hoping. Guess I will just have to do it again.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!