Wednesday, October 1, 2008

so much to show...

Well I had my finished month for Sweet Land of Liberty I was going to show, and what's on the design board: lots of everything...BUT I got the best box today from my favorite store in Missouri!

QUILTERS STATION!! SO they come first!

A box big stuffed to the gills! and they do the best job of wrapping! Tucked in the right lower corner is a bottle of Distress it! All triple wrapped in ziplock baggies!

This is the wool they sent me. It will work well for lots of things. Gray, brown plaid, navy plaid and a nice piece for a dirty Snowman! I'm going tomorrow to get a few more pieces nearby that a reader shared with me and I'm so excited. Wool...nearby...near ME??!!

Tada! A box of 34 luscious plaids. Just in case you thought I was out...hahahaha! never happen in my lifetime.

I asked for 6 creme backgrounds, 6 reds, 6 greens, 4 medium blues and 4 gold and they picked out the BEST stuff. I trust those gals with everything. They don't have bad fabric there! Everything is so yummy! I just call and say what I want and they cut, pack and ship it right to my door! Of course I'd love to live near by, but then I'd be considerably poorer.

So what's on my design wall? Lots of everything..Blocks completed and waiting for me. That's the Nativity quilt background as I add pieces. I need a dark brown wool to cut the manger strips, then I'll have a better idea of where each piece goes. There's lots more to add!

The angel goes in my SLOL BOM quilt...she's waiting. The pumpkins are waiting for quilting. The beige and beige floral is the house for my Four Seasons bom ready to go into the hoop for stitching soon...the floral just gives more space for the hoop to grab. I sew on the strips with a very large seam and remove them later. That's my little swap quilt, and the finished bird from 4 seasons waiting for his piecing parts to be sewn on. The red pile next to the TV is the batting for the pumpkins and the Angel quilt waiting for the sleeve to be sewn down. I have several things from which to choose!

So lots going on around here! I'll show the finished Sweet Land of Liberty block later in another post. Happy Quilting!


  1. Hi Judy,
    beautiful projects on your design wall, can't wait for them to be finished ;o)
    The plaids you got are just PERFECT...are there any selveges with the name of manufacturer/designer/collection on it? I'm searching for the right fabric for a new project.
    Thanks in advance,
    hugs - Julia

  2. Now that is one happy package . . . you're making me *drool* I may just have to follow your lead and order up a box (or two *s*)

  3. Those fabrics are perfectly me...and obviously you too! The wools are just too GOOD! May I ask was the wool in FQ's, yards...prices? If you don't want to say....please...I completely understand. But I'm just curious how it compares to the wool shop we have here.

  4. You've been busy over there and you've been spending money!!! LOLOL

  5. Do I even need to say, "have a great day" I't like Christmas at your house. I'm very jealous!

  6. Oh what wonderful goodies in that box...nothing better than good mail. Your design wall sure is fun!

  7. What a fabulous box of goodies. I love all the wool and plaids you got. Your pumpkin quilt is fun. Can't wait to see what becomes of the nativity.

  8. OMG! What wonderful wools. I'd be in 7th heaven. You scored, big time!

  9. Oh my. Those fabrics are gorgeous.

  10. oh Judy, love the plaids you recieved from quilters station
    I totally agree they are the best ! My plaid box last week looks very similar to yours :)
    no wool for me though,not yet !
    LOVE your design wall what fun things you are working on.
    I need to get moving on my SLOL quilt, now I have no excuse with all these pretty plaids!

  11. Gosh, It looks like Christmas. There is just something about a box of plaids. So much inspiration. Can't wait to see the quilts these become.

  12. Beautiful plaids! I had the pleasure of visiting The Quilter's Station over three years ago and fell instantly in love - like you I'd love to live nearby. LOL

    I love all your doings - amazing!!!!!

  13. I love everything you've got going on your design wall!!! And omg what a fun box of wool and goodies you got! You're making me want to shop lol!

  14. You've found the best place to shop, those plaids are a fantastic selection, they sure know how to pick them. Can you see me drooling...LOL

  15. Thanks for stopping by. Your quilts are wonderful with all the plaids!! EYE candy!!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!