Saturday, October 4, 2008

Forgot a few things....

I meant to show these a few days ago and they slipped my mind...I got a fabulous GIANT box the other day with my last swap package from Sharon and her gifty to us all...PLUS my fabulous shelves that Sharon's sweet Hunka Man made for me! I think he made quite a few of these!

I piled up the Annie's and put them on the end of the bar. One goes in another spot and one stays there. Sharon made us all one of those fabulous boxy bags with a zipper. I can't decide if I want to use it for quilting tools or makeup and stuff when traveling. I think it just may do double duty as the carry all for every place I go! It's of course made from the same fabrics we swapped! Thanks Sharon...and special thanks to all the gals in the swap!


  1. Your little shelves are so adorable with the Annie's sitting on them. Isn't Sharon's box bag just so much fun...I haven't decided yet what I will use mine for. I had so much fun with our swap.

  2. Oooh, looks like you got a fun package! Sharon's Hunka does great work. Also, love your liberty blocks from the last post!


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