Saturday, September 6, 2008

She's taking shape..

and coming along nicely...

I decided to work on the hardest blocks the double and triple colors one's are done. That's her halo above....with her wings and her red dress. The brown blocks on the sides of her dress will have one last red strip to make the dress a bit wider, but after that it's all brown and applique. I leaning towards doing the applique on the machine with black buttonhole stitch to save my arm which is getting worse.

After 160 flying geese done with freezer paper piecing and cutting tons of strips for this...way too many mind you...I'm having to chose between using the limited use time for sewing or computer time. Sorry but in that scenario, the computer loses out every time. I'll be around and posting BIG updates or finishes. I'll read when I can but comments may fall by the wayside for a while, as will thank you emails for comments left here, sorry. I'm not ignoring you, but I've got to get this under control.


  1. Can't wait to see how this little angel looks done in browns *s*

  2. I love the colors you've chose! Can't wait to see your finish.

  3. Where did you get this pattern? She is going to be amazing! I love it already!!

  4. Oh I love the angel with the brown background, she is looking awesome.

  5. Judy she's gonna be beautiful!!! Can't wait to see her all finished :)


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!