Saturday, September 20, 2008

new find...

I knew I wanted one of these, so last week I headed up to a local quilt shop and got one. Actually it's my sister's MIL's shop in Williamsburg, VA...her husband makes the ladders and they are spectacular. Solid oak and about 7 1/2 feet tall. First time I ever had to tie down my car trunk...even with the seat slid up and folded down I was missing a few inches of clearing the trunk. Quite an experience, but when a girl wants something she will find a way!

It's not full because I'm still thinking what to put out, I don't have all that many fall quilts, plus my brights and 30's quilts seems like summer and I wanted more fall colored quilts out. I'll add them as I make some more and pull some out.

**Don't pay attention to the 2 pictures shoved behind the ladder, just a bit of picture rearranging going on and they'll be up in their new home soon.**


  1. Wonderful, wonderful ladder!...what a great addition to your home.

  2. What a great looking ladder - and a marvelous way to display the quilts. Sure wish I had room for one!

  3. I like that "when a girl wants something, she'll find a way". It's a terrific ladder, I've always wanted one. Someday....

  4. Ooooh, very beautiful! Someone on a blog somewhere (LOL) was just looking for a nice quilt ladder this week!

  5. Lovely display! Great ladder and even nicer quilts.

  6. Lovely ladder!!Great way to display quilts.

  7. wow what a beautiful ladder. Your quilts are displayed so nicely on it! Great find.

  8. I'm incredibly jealous of the ladder. First time I've seen such. And now the hunt begins!

  9. I love it! It displays your quilts so well and doesn't take up much room. I have a smaller one on which that I hang my smaller quilts.

  10. A ladder for my quilts! My dream ! Yours is great !

  11. I love your new ladder . . . I'm keeping an eye out for a new one, too. Yours looks like a great size *hmmmm*

  12. What a great ladder! I love the quilts you have on it.

  13. Love the ladder. I discovered a vendor for them at the Nashville AQS just as they were turning out the lights on the final day! Could've saved myself the shipping, but couldn't think fast enough. Yours is lovely.

  14. I love it! The ones I have seen are more narrow, I love your new wide one to display quilts on.

  15. Country Threads is one of my favorite shops. Are you sure you don't live in California. Your quilts are wonderful and I love your new ladder.

  16. What a beautiful ladder, and such beautiful quilts you have put on it. Congrats on your great progress.

    The pumpkin quilt is cute. I too like to make my own patterns by getting inspiration from pictures. I don't get around to making very many quilts though so I don't think I am taking away any big money from the pattern designers.

  17. Bummers! Wish I lived in VA - I"ve always wanted one of those ladders and that one is BEAUTIFUL!


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