Wednesday, September 24, 2008

fish oil....

Man I love getting packages from Thousands of Bolts! They come in the coolest pizza boxes! I have about 6 of these in the closet holding projects that are waiting or on hold. Plus what can't you say about getting fabric at rock bottom prices...not bottom quality goods either, but first rate fabric. I got some big yardage of two nice homespuns.

Now I also wanted to show the Fish Oil I take. It's from Trader Joe's and reading the label was's oil made from anchovy and sardines. Weird but okay, they are both very oily fish so I guess that makes sense. I do think it's helping a lot and next time I get my bloodwork done it just might show up in the inflammation levels. I'll let you know what happens.


  1. Thousands of Bolts . . . gotta love 'em . . . even if I never get a pizza box *s*

  2. I take a similar brand of fish oil tabs.....good for your skinand joints and supposed to help lower cholesterol. How many do you take a day?

    Love your display ladder( 2 posts below)...might have to find one of those. Remember to refold your quilts a different way from time to time so they don't get faded or a crease in one place.

  3. Yummy fabrics...I'm going to bump up Andy's dose of fish oil...maybe it will help his aches and pains. Thanks for the tip.

  4. Supposed to be very good for the joints, especially if you are a quilter :-) I take one a day. They are quite strong.

  5. I take fish oil everyday. Have for years. It's supposed to be good for you. Who knows. I still keep taking it hoping its helping me somehow somewhere. LOLOL

  6. Fish oil has been proven to help the lots of people with MS take it. Hey, anything good for the brain, I'm in!

  7. The other oil you might want to try (and Trader Joe's has it) is evening primrose that actually did the trick better for me.


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