Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So the other day after seeing this on Patty's blog, and this at Kathie's, I decided to add another piece to the list of " pieces I cut after washing fabrics".

A while ago Kathie shared her strip cutting strategies with me and while I haven't started cutting my strips yet, I did take her initiative and start cutting all the tiny pieces for quilts I wanted to make in the future. Every time I wash a newly purchased fabric and iron, I cut my template pieces for a tumbler quilt, pyramid quilt, and a few NJ 12 triangle blocks.

The other day I found 2 great charm packets by Tula Pink on Etsy that were perfect for a bright tumbler quilt.... Flutterby and Nest. When they arrived I sat down after dinner while watching tv and started cutting the above tumblers. These are great collections, so I didn't want to waste anything. This left me with these stacks of lovely leftovers! 80 pieces each and W-H-A-T to do?

I'm thinking something like a very wonky log cabin inspired squares? As soon as I make massive amounts of flying geese today for something else I might just delve into the pile and see what comes out. I certainly never considered tossing these as they are not small.


  1. oh you could cut 1 1/2" squares for a postage stamp quilt AND you could sew those pieces together and cut out more tumblers! OR you could make 4 patch blocks with squares cut from the left overs :)

  2. I don't do my cutting and sorting till the end of a project but I guess it is a similar organised no waste use of fabric. It makes for a quick start to a new project having a collection of correct sized / shaped pieces ready - I'm all for that!

    Love those brights!!

  3. Cant help you only a learner but I love the material you are using its nice and bright.
    Hugs Mary.

  4. Kathie's right - cut postage stamps. That's what I'm doing with my scraps. I like those fabrics. Sorry I don't have any ideas for you.

  5. I am in awe of you, Kathie and others that can be disciplined to cut strips, squares, etc. I can't seem to do it - sigh! I started a tumbler quilt a few years ago and it's abandoned in a ziplock bag deep in a drawer. LOL I might have to go digging. :-)

  6. I agree....cut postage stamp stamp size and turn into four patches. Take a look at my recent blog post. A friend made me a quilt using four patches....then larger four patches and then a larger four patch....just look and you'll see what I mean. I think this is something you would enjoy!

  7. Yes! Postage stamp pieces. . .keep them by your machine and use them as thread savers. You'll have a top in no time.

  8. I'm the same as Darlene, I can't seem to get organized enough to have things ready ahead of time. Tumbler quilt is on my list for someday.

  9. I love those fabrics! I just picked up flutterby last weekend. A tumbler quilt is perfect!

  10. That fabric is so pretty I'd use as much of it as I can...the wonky log cabin or a funky piano key border for another project? Have fun!


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