Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lots of everything...

Well I have all sorts of tidbits to share today...

I've been very selective about what fabric I've bought recently due to wanting to keep more of our money in my hot little hands hands , so I've been selective about what I've bought. These however were simply too good to pass up! Meg's Bouquet came to live here.

That's okay because I skipped the Sturbridge Greens collection in favor of these and got a smaller FQ bundle of the new Civil War Dressing Gowns and 4 of the Sturbridge greens. Now I have to shade my eyes from looking at the Sturbridge Calico's!

Yesterday my buzzer rang and the mailman handed me a box from one of my swap partners Darlene. I was expecting an envelope. Here's the beauty that was inside! See her tiny rusty spring curls? I love her Darlene!

If you follow along the Sweet Land of Liberty BOM blog you might have already seen these, but I have gotten some work done. Quite a bit actually. But I figured I've give the hand work a rest and do machine work. These stars are done with the freezer Paper Piecing method...(FPP). Easy but labor intensive and lots of trimming and cutting.

NOW I know what sent my arms and hands over the edge...FPP!! Oh lordy my hands hurt. All those CW blocks and Dear Janes! You'd think it wouldn't, but I guess all the trimming after each seam, and holding so tight, pressing each seam I know. But they are pretty? I'm still plugging away on my projects and hope to get the Christmas quilt pinning this weekend and started on the quilting.

I'll share some more progress in a few days.


  1. OH! OH! OH! Love Meg's Bouquet! Who did you order from, if I may ask? Cute doll from Darlend and your star blocks are great.

  2. star blocks are wonderful
    WOW I just love that HOPE doll from Darlene that was so nice of her to send that to you.
    very special.
    don't you just love meg's bouguet
    I did buy it too
    but passed on the others , just can't buy it all.
    plus I really want to work from my stash this next year.
    stop paper piecing!
    stop, stop, stop
    so you can sew a little each day

  3. Those fabrics are pretty. I love the way they are folded together.

    The doll is adorable. Darlene did a wonderful job on her.

  4. What a darling little doll . . . those curls are beyond cute! Glad to see you are getting back into the groove a little bit more each week. Take it slow . . . love to see what you are up to and don't want to see a return of the worst of the pains.

  5. What pretty, pretty fabrics. Love those star blocks.
    LOVE Darlene's angel!
    Take it slow!!!!!!!!!

  6. Oooh yummy -- new fabric! Darlene sure makes some cute stuff too -- you lucky girl!

  7. Oh those fabrics look yummylious. It's hard to pass things up but we can't have it all...can we????
    Such a sweet doll to have.
    Wonderful star blocks, don't push too hard. Take care.

  8. The star blocks are just great! I love the plaids and stripes.

  9. I love stars!! What is the freezer paper piecing way? Is that like what Buggy Barn does? Love your blog!

  10. I like your blocks your working on. Isn't that a cute little Angel? :-) Love mine too!!!!!

  11. Love the "curls" on the doll!
    And what an unusual way your stack of fabrics is folded. I have never seen that.


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