Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Can you guess where I am?

Ah the fun of getting started...spending an hour winding tons of bobbins!

When they make a machine that will hold a whole spool of thread in the bottom, I'll be first in line to buy one!

Now I have a question for everyone? I'm thinking of buying a quilting frame in the near future. Think Christmas present. I need opinions. I use a hoop but with my limited arm strength I can't afford to give away any of it to holding up the hoop anymore. Even with propping it up on things. SO my choices are either...
  • an old fashioned floor stand
  • a round/square hoop on a stand
I've seen Christiane's square hoop on a stand and Christine's old fashion floor stand and well as others. Love both for different reasons. So what do you have, prefer and WHY?

Thanks in advance. Oh and yes, I prefer a big fat machine quilting machine, but that's machine quilting...I'm dealing strictly with hand quilt for the moment.


  1. I'm still using just a hoop . . . but I really must find a better say. My left elbow reminds me every time I quilt *s*

  2. Hey-- for once, I can contribute... You've always given me so many good ideas. Here's the kind of hoop I use. http://www.joann.com/joann/catalog.jsp?CATID=cat3494&PRODID=prd2868
    It's not very "old fashioned", but it's great at keeping things tight. I think they make floor models-- reasonably priced. I've seen some Aussie Quilters using it as a floor model. There is a variety of sizes. Even as a hand held version I like it better than the wooden hoop as I like the square shape and it being light weight. I hope I helped.

  3. I don't have either but here's my 2 cents: If you are used to a hoop, go with a square or round hoop on a stand - it will be more familiar and you can tilt and adjust which will probably help with your hand issues. I think Hintenberg (spelling?) makes a square hoop on a stand that tilts, etc.

  4. If you like the round hoop but need to take the stress off of your arm than look at Jasmine Heirloom's hoop stands. I have one and use it for smaller quilts that can't go into my floor frame.

    Here's the link:

  5. The floor frame takes up lots of space when in use. It stores every neatly in bolted stacks when not in use and can be easily transported.

    The Jasmine hoop stand tilts and adjusts to height and can be tucked into an unused corner of a room.

    If you want to try out the Jasmine Hoop Stand, I can make a road trip and let you try mine before you purchase one.


  6. I bought a round floor hoop and have to say I found it difficult to use. I like a 14 inch hoop I hold the best. Have you looked at lap hoops? I bought one for my Mom a few years ago and she used it a lot before she had to stop handquilting because of pain in her shoulder and arm from a pinched nerve.


  7. I will be second in line then :) I'm always thinking that...how come we can't at least get a machine with a bigger bobbin. I have started using a thread called the bottom line in my bobbin. I was kind of iffy about it at first because it's poly and I'm a cotton girl, but the lady at the store convinced me to try it and I'm so glad I did. You can fit about 3 times as much (or maybe more) on your bobbin because it's so fine. I haven't had any tension or other problems with it so far. Sorry I have no idea about the frame though :)

  8. I don't like to handle the whole weight of a quilt with a hoop, that's why I ordered a Grace 2 hoop http://graceframe.com/gfxoops/modules/sample_module_9/
    most of the blocks are squares - and you can turn the hoop easily, adjust the high, if you like to switch between the lazy chair or a normal one - and you can fold it together to store it somewhere, when you don't use it. just my 2 cents - greetings from Poland

  9. I just found your blog and LOVE it! You are very talented! I love your blocks for the Dear Jane and the Civil War Diary quilt. I am doing them also. I just love them.

  10. The most important question to ask yourself is what direction(s) do you quilt in? If you prefer to quilt left to right and/or toward yourself only then go for the hoop on a stand. I have one and loved it when I used it. (I've not used it for some time because I've been using my double level hand hoops instead.) If you get a big floor frame you will need to learn to quilt left to right also as well as away from yourself. (Note - switch the words left and right above if you are left handed.) I thought I wanted a big floor frame - until I quilted in one for a couple hours at our quilt show years ago. I hated it! I need to be able to turn the quilt so I can quilt in the direction I want to quilt in. If possible try both for at least an hour or more - then decide.

  11. thank you for your visit to my blog and for linking to me:)
    to the hoop: I adore handquilting and started years(more than 10) ago to look for a stand after quilting a lot of my first quilts on the lap with no hoop at all. I bought a Jasmine Easy spinner with a round 18"round hoop from a friend and it was better but the frame was to big for me and I changed to the square one- 14" wide- which is not built anymore. This is the best hoop ever, it has an elastic centre and can be lifted in seconds. I hope Jasmine will produce it again.

  12. I haven't started quilting yet, but a friend's mom quilted quite a bit, and she used a pvc-type floor model. What she used looks just like (and probably was) the Q-Snap hand quilting frame. She could sit comforably in a chair to use it and it seemed to work really well. It was also fairly large so she would have to reposition less often.

  13. Does anyone know if the Jasmine hoops will fit one the Grace floor stand? I like the grace2 hoop stand 'cause it holds scissors and stuff but really want a square hoop. They will still custom make them- for $250 a pop.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!