Friday, June 13, 2008

Liberated Quilting....

Heads up readers...Tonya is heading up a very worthwhile effort to get a re-print of this book for all the Gwen Marston current fans and future fans and quilt lovers. Please take a few minutes to go over and look at her post and if you are interested in owning a copy of this all means, let Tonya know so she can add you to the numbers.

This book came to my attention because of how wonderfully Tonya spoke about it when I started quilting. I was lucky enough to find a copy by way of Laura at Pine Ridge Quilter. I believe she found a small shop on her travels one time and saw 3 copies for sale patiently sitting on a rack. Well on the phone I got the next morning and it came in the mail. I have LOVED this book ever since! I'd buy more copies if only I had someone I know who loves quilting. It's well worth having in your quilt book collection.


  1. Here! Here! I, too, am the proud owner of this book. It would certainly be a service to all those that have recently come to quilting to be able to add this gem to their libraries. I hope there is an overwhelming response!

  2. I just signed up for a copy thank you for the link and your visit to my blog. If you want some Oakshotts, how about a little swap?


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