Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More blocks...

Tomorrow I am doing some 30's blocks for a swap and then I think I'll start on my 9 patches for a new quilt...the same one that Kathie's doing at the moment. I found the perfect fabric the other week and ordered several yards for the alternate blocks. I'll show them all when I get some made up.

For now...A few more blocks for the Civil War quilt...

Tents of the Enemy LL Pg. 43
Grammer Class, D Pg. 123Union Soldier's, D Pg. 51
Wow as the blocks get more complicated, it takes time to make the pattern fold the lines, find the fabrics and then do piece by piece...but so worth the effort. This will be a really cool quilt.

I also found my little helper under my table by my feet! He's helping me with the fabric scraps! Yea, that's it....helping.


  1. Too many quilts . . . not enough time *S*

  2. Beautiful kitty! He is helping compress the scraps so you can get more in the basket :O)

  3. Wonderful blocks! Your kitty looks like she is hiding/hatching the scraps!

  4. Isn't it wonderful to have all the "help" we have? LOL! Your new CW blocks are beautiful. I think that nine patch is just awesome. Are you setting them in pink too?

  5. love your new blocks...this week I hope to catch up with my blocks.
    I didn't make enough this past week.


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