Sunday, April 13, 2008

Back from vacation...

Miss me? I think I missed you all too! I did stop by a few blogs here and there as I needed something online. I got a tiny bit of relief for my shoulder and I think mostly I'm just going to have to slow down and not spend too much time online, especially no more 3 hour sessions anymore. I'm gonna try and post once or twice a week at most.

I did work a lot on my Civil War blocks but I didn't get quite caught up with the list. Some of these blocks now take 3 hours to get made with all the pieces to be cut, trimmed sewn, trimmed, etc. The list really is a suggestion and I might not do all the blocks on there anyway, but at least I don't feel too behind anymore.

So my CW blocks:

The Farce of Reconstruction, Diary Pg 269

Whizzing Bullets, LL pg. 157

United No Longer, D pg.253

Last Letter Home, LL pg. 123

Sugar Cane, D pg. 247

Hand Grenade, D Pg 131...this block was easier than the next one which I found odd, but the faux paper piecing made it a dream to do!

Bolts of Fabric, D pg.179

I also got part of my Sweet Land of Liberty BOM done for this month and will post the picture on the other blog. You can see it by clicking on the link on the sidebar. Mostly what I worked on this week was the 9 patch pink quilt. 6 more blocks to make and I'll be ready to sew the top together and add the border. I'll post with pictures soon of the pink top!


  1. Oh Judy the blocks are beautiful...I posted today about how I think the number of blocks we do each week has to come down as yes they are becoming more time consuming!
    looking forward to seeing your PINK quilt....

  2. Your piecing looks immaculate and the fabrics are beautiful. BTW I love your banner - is it new? The wool applique is particularly pretty. :-)

  3. Oh, Judy, those are incredibly beautiful. Love all of them but especially Last Letter Home.

  4. Thanks for posting pictures of your CW blocks. It does help me keep motivated when I see them on everyone's blogs. I bet your pink quilt is lovely too.

  5. Judy your blocks are awesome...can't wait to see the pink quilt. I'm back and ready to SEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Oh they are gorgeous! I have to get back on them! I am sooooo far behind now. And then next week I go to Paducah, so there is another week down the drain! RATS!

  7. Your blocks are just wonderful. It's easy to see that these are blocks you love *s* Still I'm in love with the SLOL blocks *deelish*

  8. Your blocks are fantastic! I love all the fabrics you are putting in them. I'm glad to hear the little break has helped your shoulder a little bit.

  9. wow, your civil war is coming along great! I especially love the fabrics you're using.

  10. So glad you are getting a bit of relief - and so glad you can still machine sew. I get that kind of burning pain between my shoulder blades if I sew and cut too long - I think it's from my scoliosis p but I never remember to take it easy until the pain appearas. Sitting slouched at the computer doesn't help either. I find that with the laptop I can have it on my lap on a recliner, giving my back more support. That helps a lot.

    As always, your blocks are looking really great!

  11. Lordy-Loo Woman! Look at all those wonderful blocks. Love your color choices!

    I am off to learn about the faux paper piecing:)

  12. Your CW blocks are just wonderful. Everything looks just perfect. Love the fabric choices. You are such an inspiration.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!