Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Jersey / Twelve Triangles...

That's what I'm calling this quilt. Kathie gave me the real name from the book showing the actual designer and maker, and always wanting to give credit to the actual maker...I'm keeping the name.

I started cutting pieces for this quilt anytime I pull out an interesting fabric to use for a diary block. I stick them in a nice plastic shoe box and then whenever the mood hits I grab a few and sew them up. These are so fun to make and very easy to do with no paper piecing. I did go buy the Fons and Porter corner nippers and with those lining up the edges is a breeze!

I also left the picture a bit large so I could give you a peek at the dresdens on the design board...recognize those? Libby posted 4 of them and I fell in love with the size..never having seen ones with 18 plates before. SO out came the handy protractor and I drew up a template. 2 more to make and I'll have a handy wall hanging all from scrap. It's so fun to get all inspired by (uh,...copy from) someone. Sorry Libby! I'm actually planning 2 of them...another made from 30's prints for spring!


  1. No worries . . . I don't have plans for a 30's edition, but I'm seeing 'sunflowers' and poinsettia's' Perhaps I have 2 more in me *s*

  2. Your NJ Twelve Triangles blocks are just wonderful...oh and do I love your dresdens...busy, busy girl!

  3. YES! Hooray, Judy!!! I love this quilt and your blocks are sooooo beautiful!

  4. Wow, Judy. Looks at those little beauties. The Civil War blocks are coming along well too. I had the book at one time but knew I wasn't going to make them and sold it. Now I see you and the others making them and wonder if I should have kept it? Oh well, maybe the person who got it is having fun right along with you!

  5. Those are great looking blocks, and I love the idea of cutting them each time you come across the right fabric. What fun! Neat books you have been getting also!

  6. I like the blocks. How many blocks are you making?


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