Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More CW blocks...

Look at this very cool block... amazing how tiny these little pieces are getting. I know I am way behind on these blocks and while I was marking the ones for this week I saw this one and got to thinking. Could it be done without paper piecing...? as long as you sew lots of fabric around the center square, you could trim down? Just making sure to keep the diamond on point and not let it get wonky. SO I grabbed fabrics and off I went.

D Pg. 195...Bull Run....
It is a bit tough to keep the ruler straight and cut perfectly, but go slowly and it works out great. Helps to have a small ruler and one that has the grid for each of the 8th inch lines. I have a small 4" ruler that's gridded like that and it comes in handy sometimes. I wish I had used a lighter blue so the brown box jumped out, but I'm not keen to take it apart and re-do those larger blue pieces. They all can't stand out, and it works well enough color wise.

D Pg. 117....Games Music and Knitting.....
LL Pg. 21...Sorrow's of War.....

I got another one done yesterday, but haven't gotten a picture yet. Finally got my foundation paper for doing paper piecing and realized I really don't know anything about true paper piecing. I think I need to read a tutorial. I'm so used to folding back and trimming and then sticking everything to the freezer paper. I wanted to do that, but the pre-cut freezer paper shrinks! Did I mention that... really sucks that it shrinks so badly. Wonder if I could pre-shrink it before sending it through the printer?? Huh?


  1. Thanks to you and other bloggers I just bought this book! I'm not sure if I'll make a quilt yet but I am looking forward to reading it. How big are your blocks? I just love the first one!

  2. Your Bull Run block is absolutely STUNNING! Don't tamper with perfection! I've been cruising around, looking at the CWD and CWLL blocks in your web-ring, and I, too, succumbed and ordered the books, and CD's. Thanks, too, for posting the pics of Judy Rothermel's new neutrals. Now, I know what I will shop for in Paducah in four weeks . . . one of those to be a constant background in my CWD quilt. I should start the quilting of my Dear Jane, but I've got a serious case of Piecing Frenzy, so I decided to just enjoy it!

  3. Beautiful blocks Judy! You are extremely brave - doing that one without paper piecing. Although you have had a lot of practice with square in a square in a square lately! There is no way I'm trying that one without paper piecing - I'm sure it would turn out wonky. Even if I trimmed every round. Love your fabric choices for Games, Music and Knitting. I'm not at all happy with my block like that, but I'm not going to do another until I see how all the blocks look put out on the design wall.

  4. Your Bull Run block is perfect! I love your fabric choice for that block. I can't imagine how you managed the tiny pieces without paper piecing method. The other floral blocks are beautiful too.

  5. Oh I love that bull run one! Well I love them all, but I am so in love with your bull run. go ahead and make a new one and I'll take this one! It is goregous!

  6. Hi Judy, Oooh your non-paper pieced block is awesome - the diamond pattern on the fabric you chose is marvellous how it weaves up and down and in and it. I have that red and yellow with the peacock feather look - sweet! I too am so far behind - I need a CW day but I don't think it will be this week with public holidays and school exam period - perhaps next! warm regards, lily

  7. Oh Judy your Bull run block is unbelieveable...and not paper pieced...you are THE WOMAN!!!!!!!!
    Love your fabric choices on all 3 blocks.

  8. Judy - congratulations on such beautiful, well pieced, crisp blocks. I don't think that a lighter blue would have made Bull Run any nicer - the brown 'pops' well enough as it is. I'd love a whole quilt just in those fabrics :-)
    Kind regards - Dawn

  9. That block is amazing. Great job!! I do not like paper piecing at all!!!! lol

  10. Wow those are some tiny pieces! Very cute...awesome work you're doing on those blocks!

  11. Your blocks look great! I can't believe you pieced bull run without paper piecing! You are my hero! LOL!

  12. Ohhh my goodness Judy! Bull Run is absolutely stunning, you have pieced to perfection. Just wonderful!

  13. What wonder fabric choice on the bull run block. I don't recognize the fabrics but certainly do like them. You are moving right along.


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