Sunday, March 2, 2008

Easter is early...

Since I thought decorating for Easter with diary blocks wasn't such a great idea, I decided to stop and take a break from washing, ironing, and cutting. I'll get back to it after lunch and have some blocks to show later or tomorrow. Friday morning I quickly got all my chores done and started pulling fabrics for a new quilt. Once I ate lunch I was all ready to start sewing.Easter Eggs by Cheri Payne with a few changes by me. In fact although it's the same quilt I did mine without the pattern so I used measurements that worked for me, but it's the same size as Cheri's. Got the quilt top finished Friday and then decided to go ahead and quilt it before adding the wool embellishments yesterday. I finished it up last night and it's on the wall.

I have another idea for a quick top, so I'm about the clean off the design wall and start laying out scraps and nickel scrap pieces. Before I did that, Kathie asked what was on our boards currently. Oh loads of stuff!

On the left side...four blocks from Lori Smith that will eventually get added to a orphan quilt because I will never finish the original quilt. A dresden plate block to remind me that I never got started on the BOM quilt and have the whole thing to do one day. The tumbler picture so I can sew that top together one day soon. The second block of the 4 seasons quilt that needs it's pieced parts added. The bottom panel of the Christmas Sampler yet to be finished. My civil war diary blocks so far...and that's about it at the moment.

Kathie has also listed her projects for the month and since I had my own tablet from Reproductions, Ltd and a list I thought I'd copy mine over all nice so you can take a peek at what I plan to tackle this month. Lots of blocks and keeping up with current BOM's.

Now, since during the winter months it can get dreary, we all need a little sunshine to pop up and arrive in the mail now and then, here's mine! Yes, another Annie. She's wearing one of my favorite polka dot prints and that button is just to die for. Can't beat that smile for a quick dose of happy every time I walk by her. Have fun sewing and creating! I know I will.


  1. Judy your Easter quilt is as cute as can be...Love it! Your wall looks wonderful and that new Annie...Oh what a cutie!

  2. Me your easter quilt..and Annie ...such a sweet thing...;D Good luck with your projects...

  3. I have had that Easter egg pattern for several years now . . . one of these years I'll actually make it!

  4. Judy - Could you tell me where I could get an Annie doll? My daughter would love one!

  5. I just love that easter wallhanging, soooo cute!
    Oh Annie is adorable....
    Love all the projects on your design wall and of course I want to make them too!
    hope making a list helps you too stay focused in March!

  6. Your Easter quilt is sweet! Love it! The CW blocks look great - wish I had room for a design wall like yours!

  7. Judy, your Easter egg quilt is very lovely! I love it, love it!
    So does your Annie. Oh She is adorable. Does she has a milk bottle??
    Your design wall is very beautiful with all your great blocks!!!

  8. Oh I love your new Easter quilt! It is wonderful! Love how your diary blocks look all together too!

  9. Your Easter egg quilt is adorable!!!

  10. Love, love, love that Easter quilt. Very cute and of course I love Annie.

  11. Cute Easter quilt. I'm still trying to talk myself into putting my Easter things out. I don't think I'm very convincing, LOL.

    Cute Annie and she would make me smile also.

    Looks like you have lots of projects for the month. Good luck.

    Hugs - Karen

  12. Love peeking at other quilters design boards! I am working on a to do list but keep getting distracted...

  13. Your easter quilt is truly adorable and great job doing it without a pattern. If that was a kit I would make it in a snap but I have too many things on the go right now to try and pick fabrics. Your new Annie made me smile.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!