Monday, March 31, 2008

Calling all thinking caps....

I'm in a search for a block pattern ladies...I saw this block made in an antique quilt that Bonnie Hunter had on her blog here. She even made her own blocks here. Loved the block, especially the white cross in the center of the antique, so off I go in search for Quilter's Cache searching Album Cross blocks. Uh..nope! Then I'm reading bloglines and I start to see these blocks all over! Mereth had some made in her post here that are spectacular...Libby has a whole quilt under her goodies with blocks here.

Bonnie called it Album Cross, Mereth called them Album them whatever you'd like but can anyone point me in the right direction? Pattern source, block name, anything. These are just up my alley for the CW fabrics.
Thanks ladies.

UPDATE: I knew you guys would know the right name! You gave me several choices to choose from and most of all suggested BLock Base for EQ. Funny thing, I went over to EQ to check it out and watched the video about the product. As the lady is going through the choices, she picked reproduction quilt patterns from 1855 and across the screen comes THE block...right there! I might just pick up Block base this week. Either way, now I am all set! Thanks again everyone!


  1. I'm hoping this is the block you are looking for....check out the following link....
    Sorry it's such a long addy. It has a free pattern on that page as well.

    Love your blog - I'm a recent reader, but am hooked.


  2. Thank you Callidore, me too I have searched this block since a long time ! Judy, I can't wait to see your own version of this quilt

  3. Love that block...what a wonderful website...tons of info there. Isn't Blogland just the best!

  4. The Dear Jane quilt has one that is similar, block D-9. Just in case you would like to make it really small. LOL! They call it Uncle Richard, but I've usually just seen it labeled as an album block.

  5. My patterns are in a complete disarray right now - but I found a very similar block in Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns by Barbara Brackman . . . check out #2414


    Look at this's not sashed.

  7. Let me know if you still need help. It would be in Block Base/EQ5....

  8. I'm glad blogland has come to the rescue. I originally knew this block as Chimney Sweep, and I love it dearly. You inspired me to dig out some of my old projects and I might just get around to finishing some, thanks!

  9. I have had Block Base for a good while and am glad that I purchased it. I also have had Barbara Brackman's "Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns". I find it to be a valuable source of information about quilt block designs, though no patterns.

  10. Don't you just love the internet! ask and you shall recieve.
    Good luck.


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