Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday morning...

Who knew yesterday was a holiday? Not me...until I started looking around for something to watch as I sewed and all these marathons were on and something was amiss. Darn! No mail!..which means nothing moving...no book arriving today. Luckily Kathie is right on the spot and I've got 3 blocks I can make from her postings and sharing. But not today.

Today I am showing my finishes on other sections of quilts. I must keep up with all the others too. I finished Lady Liberty on the right there and sewed the section together for this months completed allotment. I wonder where the next section is??? I also got started on the embroidery for the Four Seasons Month 2 and it's about 75% done. If I get off the computer, it will be done and I can start cutting block pieces for the CW diary blocks. Yippee!

If you want to see all the blocks I've completed at a glance, I've added a link on the sidebar under Links to Cool Stuff under the Mavericks ring. Click it and it will take you to my PicasaWeb album. Now I better get moving and stitching. One and a half more days till the quilt show!! I can hardly stand myself, I'm so excited!


  1. Oh this is going to be one awesome quilt!

  2. That pineapple is soo cute...all three are!

  3. Hey - you decided to the Lady Liberty in the pattern . . . good for you - she's growing on me *s*

  4. Oh your Sweet Land of Liberty is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The whimsical pineapple in the middle block is so cute.

  6. I love this Liberty block! One of my favorite from SLOL. :-) Great works, Judy!

  7. I love the detail on the white section of Church, the blue and cheddar block. Perfect.

  8. Those blocks are lovely -- and I just love the Civil War blocks you've started working on as well. What a fun project!

  9. Have a great time at the quilt show and remember PICTURES!
    we want to see all that you bought as well as any quilt pictures you can share with us that cant attend this show!
    thanks and HAVE FUN


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!