Friday, February 15, 2008

Ahh, actual sewing...

Well finally some sewing to show! I got several things done during my get well days. Lots of blocks for various Cheri Saffiote patterns and some new BOM's. Got the "parts" done and sewn on the first Four Seasons block, so it's complete and block 2 is traced and sitting in the hoop as we speak. Can't start it tonight because I want to get the last SLOL block done for this month before that package arrives and makes me feel bad for not being done on time. Here's the hand block as they call it, and then the pineapple block...

I goofed on the hand block. I should have laid it out and made sure all the reds were scattered, but I just grabbed and sewed. Then because 2 sides were a tiny bit longer than the other 2 I got stuck with like colors next to the same and Oh well, I'm fine with it now. Not coming apart to do another one. In the scheme of the whole busy quilt it won't matter.
I've seen every ones packages come in and today I hit the jackpot myself! Got my order from Z&S of Civil War Backgrounds and a whole mess of 30's prints. I love that you get a 2 1/2 inch wide strip tied in a ribbon. It's a free piece of fabric. I use them in all sorts of things! The red is what I wanted for the binding of my string quilt, so now I need to get it quilted and bound...maybe this weekend!?

Hubby also brought me a nice Priority envelope in with the backgrounds I ordered from Fabric Shack for doing embroidery blocks on. I realized I was seriously lacking in nice backgrounds for all these stitchery patterns I'm doing over the year, so I stocked up. No reason to show you 10 different colors of pretty lights. Imagine them...I'm sure you have several in your own stash too!

Now I need to focus and decide what I want to buy next Thursday at the QUILT SHOW!! Yep, the Quilt show is coming to town!! There's a lady there who has the most wonderful FQ bundles of CW prints. I got 2 last year in Turkey reds and browns. I'm expecting to stock up in her booth so she hopefully will return this year. Cross your fingers..XX! She has fabrics patterns I've never seen before and haven't since. I can't wait! Well hubby's home and the weekend begins! Hope you all have a great weekend sewing and spending time with your families!


  1. Love those fabrics! Some of them are the same that I bought last Friday. Have fun at the quilt show and CW vendor.

  2. Love your latest assortment of fabrics! I really need to get cracking on all my BOM's. I see yours and I say that every time! Good grief! I'll be heading down to San Diego tomorrow to Country Loft, so I'm sure I'll have much stash enhancement of my own then!

  3. Wooooo, I love those fabrics!
    Your 4seasons block is beautifl. I love those fabrics that you used for this block. Such a yummy color...
    and your SLOL blocks are wonderful.

  4. Such fun blocks Judy. I love seeing them all.

  5. Oh, Judy, you've been so productive. I hope you're feeling much better!

    You buy the most beautiful fabric. Will you shop for me, please? :-) The bundle of thirties is adorable - especially the red on top and the piece used to the tie the bundle. :-)

  6. Hi, Judy, it's me again.
    I tagged you on my blog. If you have time.
    Have a wonderful President's day!

  7. Wonderful, wonderful blocks...what a busy girl you've been...get well days were very productive. That goodie package from Z&S has me drooling. Have fun at the quilt show...can't wait to see what you find from the Civil War lady.

  8. Oh! Oh! Oh! fun mail day! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pineapple block. I think I would like that block as just a small quilt in itself! How fun!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!