Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sampler progress...

As promised...Here's the latest progress on the Christmas Sampler so far.
The green strip on the side isn't staying there. I was just testing out the color and then realized I wanted a larger strip and a different color. I still have to make the large section to go in it's place that has the feather tree on it with all the ornaments. But those are all to be hand sewn on and I'm saving up the hand sewing for the coming week after I have surgery. Yes, terrified as I am to have surgery, I have to have a little issue taken care of that's being a drag. It's outpatient, but I think I'll probably be on the couch for a week. So hand sewing and embroidery work for that. Yuck! lets not mention it anymore.

I finished the Santa on the bottom and the little house on the right of the pear, but I need to do some embroidery work on both and once I get the pear sewn to the Santa he gets his hat put on because it goes over on that block. But it's coming along and since it's for Christmas it can wait in the box or on the wall and get set aside when something else comes up that I want to do. I figure it will still be totally complete before the summer. Now off the computer so I can sewing!

PS: Karen asked if I collect elves. No. Sharon saw that I inherited my Mom's elves so she sent me the last one she had left from when she bought them years ago. He'll be happy now with other of his kind. *s*


  1. Judy your Christmas Sampler is coming along wonderfully...what motivation you are. Hope all goes well with the surgery! You take care.

  2. Aaah... Judy, I LOVE this sampler. You are doing so well with this quilt. :-)

  3. So funny about the elf being happy with his own kind. Hope your surgery goes beautifully.

  4. Wow - that sampler is really looking great . . . and all I do is keep saying I want to start one *s*
    Hope all goes well with the surgery. Glad to know it's outpatient. Seems like it's much more comfortable to recuperate in the comfort of your home - when you can.

  5. Your fabric selections for this one are just wonderful! I love it more and more each time you show it!

  6. Oh, it's going to be wonderful! Not a whole lot left to do on the stitching. Mine is still on the wall waiting for me to get back to it. I am cutting out a quilt so the applique has taken a back seat. We'll get them finished eventually.
    Good luck on your surgery. I don't know anyone who likes the word surgery or anything that goes with it.

  7. Your sampler is looking wonderful. You're moving along quite nicely.

    I'm sorry you're having to have surgery however if it will improve your quality of life then so be it. My thoughts are with you!

  8. I found your blog by accident and I am really enjoying reading your blog and looking at your work. One question did you quilt the Valentine quilt using a long arm machine?
    Thanks Faye

  9. Love the sampler. Can't help but be a good recovery with needle and fabric in your hands.

  10. I received the gloves and thank you so much. Could you send me some of your motivation? Yesterday morning our Internet was down and I was in the sewing room. I know what the problem is, I just can't seem to say no to my blogs.

    Hugs and thanks again.

  11. Your sampler quilt is coming along very nice. I love the primitive look of this pattern.

    Having lots of stitching will make you feel better about the surgery. Take care.

  12. OMG I love your quilt so far. It's wonderful!!!!

  13. This sampler is looking SO good! What a wonderful Christmas quilt it's going to be!


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