Friday, November 16, 2007

Top finished!

Buckeye Queen
53 x 62

I know I have so many things in the process of getting done at the moment, but when I got this new pattern from Lynda Hall I just knew it was the perfect thing to get me back in the swing of quilting. A very dear blog friend gave me some great advice to do whatever interested me, not what I should do, to get my quilting mojo back. I think it worked very well. I loved this pattern the moment I saw it in my winning package of new patterns from Lynda's drawing. You can find Buckeye Queen in the pattern section, Page 6. It was super simple to do and will be perfect for keeping my toes and legs warm on the sofa! I hope to get the top pinned and ready for quilting this weekend. Cross you fingers for a weekend finish!

** I'm slowly adding old posts back onto the blog. Changing the date makes it simple to add them without messing up any new post. So if you see 40 or so post pop up, never fear. Anything new will be at the top**


  1. Oh boy this is yummmmmyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

  2. Oh my goodness, it's fabulous! I saw this pattern on Lynda's website and considered ordering it. I hope it helped get your MOJO back. :-)

  3. Oh it is absolutely delicious *s* I saw the pattern at the quilt shop the other day . . . guess I'm going to have to go back and pick one up!

  4. Oooh, that's a really pretty quilt, love those colors, and what a cute pattern!

  5. Well done on finding your mojo again Judy :)

    Love the top - the colours are very appropriate to the season too :)

  6. Oh it is wonderful! The perfect cuddly quilt!

  7. The quilting mojo has been missing quite often in blogland recently, including here. I got started again by doing some scrap crumb blocks, whereas you have made something so beautiful! The colours are so rich.

  8. What a lovely new quilt top!!! And you have my sympathies for all of the blog posts that have gone missing! OUCH!!!! At least you managed to get some of it back.

  9. Wow - I love that Buckeye Queen pattern! I ordered one and have just the fabrics to use with it!

  10. That is a lovely quilt, beautiful rich colours and the half-square triangle border is great.

  11. Veeerrry nice quilt!! So glad you have the Mojo back... can you help find mine? it seems to have gone on holiday?
    How are Pixel & Noodle??

  12. What a great job!! Your quilt just sings autumn. So pretty.


  13. Congrats for winning Lynda's pattern drawing!


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