Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Small Steps...

I finally sat down this week and made the first quilt in the series I ordered months ago from Homestead Hearth. 9 quilt patterns from one of Lori Smith's new patterns. Each month they send me 5 FQ's and I make the next quilt in the series. I'm about to receive month 5 and I just made the first one...good start huh?

I can safely say I don't care to see another hourglass block for a few months. Yikes!... 16 pieces coming together at one intersection. It will go in the pile waiting for hand quilting. I got the grouping for all pink and brown quilts but this is probably the only one that I'll do in those colors. I want one next for Halloween so I'll pull out my blacks and oranges and do the next one in those colors. I like to keep these little beauties on the coffee table. The cats love them too. They squeeze themselves on them shoving aside the candy dish with their rumps. What is it with cats and laying on things?

I'm still working on my embroidery piece for the quilting bag and I'm picking out fabrics for the second section of the Christmas Sampler. I'll get moving on those blocks as I figure them out. We also joined Netflix this past weekend and got our first movies which got watched almost right away. I think I'm gonna like having them come right to the door. It's been fun to see all the old movies that they have in their catalog plus the TV series DVD's. I started watching Charmed where I left off at Season 4. Great shows to quilt by!

Now off the find some batting and backing for this newest piece and pick out the colors for the next one!

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