Sunday, October 14, 2007


I have a few tiny parts to sew on the new quilt and then the words to embroider, but I was taking a break to eat lunch and look at house prices in other areas of the country. I want a nice place... cooler, with 4 seasons preferably, and a decent housing market. I was looking in the area of Quilter's Station out near Lee's Summit, Missouri and couldn't help drooling over the BASEMENTS!! Oh to have a basement. I'd love an older small town with low housing costs too. Any suggestions?

You may not remember that I have been searching for the perfect duvet cover that doesn't cost $300 for several months. It's hindered by the fact that I have no idea what color I want the room to be painted. Small detail. So I had forgotten that I lent an old duvet cover to my niece about a year or so ago. She returned it the other day so I put the new duvet inside and on the bed it went. the comforter was seriously looking horrid, so it was time. The cats are having a field day with how puffy it is. Forgive the wrinkles. I swear I spent 20 minutes ironing that thing and after one night they were back! Noodle loves to jump from the cat tree and start running all over it chasing the color squares and "pouncing" on them. He's also discovered that it has a row of buttons just ripe for the tasting. I checked to make sure they are all sewn on tightly. It's more a summer cover, but it will work for now. I really would like to make a quilt for our bed but that's one big quilt to plan and quilt. Maybe one day. Until now, the cats have a new toy.

Off to finish and start quilting!

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