Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I seem to still be wandering from thing to thing, but I am getting little things accomplished so that's a good thing. I knocked out the Noel embroidery block for the Christmas Sampler one day and finally pressed it.

It will wait to be trimmed and the final outside outline done when it gets added to the section. I also made the pieced section for the holly blocks and will add the red berries after I get them pressed. They get added to the block with wording after it's finished. In all I have about 4 blocks in Section 2 prepped and ready for sewing...but I have some late swap blocks to finish for my swap partners tomorrow, so I'll start on those first thing.

Mom is still in the hospital which is the best place for her at the moment. She's much better than she's been in weeks, but still not eating hardly anything by mouth so after coming home it shouldn't take long before she's run down again, so we will have to see if she learned her lesson and starts working with us a bit. I appreciate all the helpful suggestions and warm wishes and hugs.

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