Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! One of my most favorite holidays, right behind Christmas. I didn't do much decorating this year, but I did put out the basics just on time for tonight. Hope everyone has a very safe and happy night! I miss not living in a regular neighborhood with houses and dressing up to hand out the candy. We don't have trick or treater's here and rightly so. I don't think I'd let my kids go door to door in a strange condo complex either. We have very few kids living here at all, so any that came wouldn't know the neighbors. It's sad that it's just not as safe as when I grew up. But kids today have other fun ways to celebrate and candy is still good today!

I just popped in to say a quick hello before I start the first load of fabric washing. I usually don't wash until I use the fabric, but these are new lights for civil war swap blocks and swap fabrics gets washing needs to be done. Don't they just look yummy?

Don't mind the grainy-ness of the picture. It was either macro and a bit grainy or regular blurry this morning. I got these from Z&S just yesterday after waiting for them to restock and have the bundle again. I can just imagine all the little civil war girls in the dressing gowns made from these fabrics! So yummy! I'm off to get washing and finish cutting out for a new quilt!

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