Friday, October 19, 2007

Even more...

Well the presents just keep coming...can you really call them that when you have to pay for them? Okay, so goodies might be a better word. Two more things arrived this week...the book that's traveled the blog rings...Prairie Children and Their Quilts came to live here, and I got my wool from Dorr. These are patterned wool pieces prepared and bundled by the company for over-dying. I've never dyed wool before, heck never dyed anything before so this should be quite a fun experiment. I just know I'll have fun and if it all fails miserably I'll have some great weird colors of something to use for cool projects! Wool is all new to me, but working with it is so yummy. No edges to turn and it's very interesting when added to just the right piece. It should be a fun experiment.

Hopefully, I'll get my binding sewn down on the little "Embrace Each Day" quilt today and share a finished picture tomorrow. My right shoulder..the one I use for into a freak mishap only a clutz like me could produce and is still quite sore. SO I've babied it a bit with rest.

After that post, I'm also taking a one week vacation break from posting. My sweetie is finally taking a whole week off! We have plans for a few fun days and lots of housework chores to get done...painting, cleaning out the master closet, etc. Mostly just spending time together.

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