Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sewing Kit finished...

A few weeks ago I sat down one night and sewed the Wool Sewing Kit from our Primitives retreat. I wasn't fortunate enough to take the class, but the teacher, Cheri Ralston, had a limited number of kits available for sale and I snapped one up immediately after walking over to find Libby after class and seeing the wonderful kits all the ladies had made! I love this kit!

Once I had made the outside kit I was ready to do all the handwork and I've been switching off between hand quilting the ladies...Shirley, Goodness & Mercy...and sewing on the wool embellishments for this kit. Last night I finally finished the kit and I added the label this morning.

(I blurred the actual info from the label because while I know most of my quilter friends know where I live, I really don't want to give that much info to any strangers with less than nice intentions)

Here's a close up of the label. It's in the style Sue Spargo taught us for her projects using an element of the project and repeating it on the label and then adding her information. I haven't decided whether or not to trim it with a tiny ribbon or leave it as is.

I might actually make another one...a bit larger and maybe more towards a wilder less Primitive style. I know the inserts are available in all sorts of sizes and assortments from the company. For anyone interested, you have to drill down to find the Velcro inserts. I'd also like to find a way to add handles.

Today I am getting Christmas Sampler blocks ready for sewing and still working on hand quilting the ladies. I still have a top to pin and sandwich for quilting and of course I have the Tumbler blocks to sew together. I'll have to read the instructions again for making the top first before I start chopping. Don't want any mistakes now that they are all done!

Happy Sewing

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