Monday, July 2, 2007

New fridge...

A few months ago our fridge compressor died on our still new, barely 2 year old fabulous fridge. SO the guy came out and installed a booster that would help the compressor kick on. Worked like a charm. Friday morning as I was getting ready for Mom's appointment to the oncologist, the power kept flipping off and on, off and on...about 10 times. I bumped the a/c up so that wouldn't suffer and turned off the computer, but the fridge was running and what??? you can't unplug the thing. I had no idea when I would get back home.

So I haul in about 3 o'clock and I don't pay attention to the fridge, the waters cold, that's all I cared about. At about 6 I grabbed a frozen bag of pasta and made dinner and just afterwards I grabbed an icy for dessert and I hear "slosh, slosh"...not what a FROZEN icy is supposed to sound like. That's when I realized it was all thawed in the freezer. We backed it out and unplugged it...waited, then plugged it in and it started. Cool, every thing's fine. Saturday morning when I got up it was still running..what turned out to be the fan, but everything was warm and melted and my brand new barely 2 year old fridge was DEAD.

So off to Lowes, where I picked something IN STOCK that could be delivered the next day. Luckily they had one and delivered it yesterday. The guys come in and start telling me how I almost didn't get a fridge today because the ones they had were damaged. One got opened and the side was ruined and dented, the next one had a huge dent in the door. They couldn't find another one so they were going to call me and break the bad news. Only the driver said he refused to call, since the Manager had been the one who sold us the fridge. So they got the idea to replace the dented door on the good fridge and bring it to me. You are lucky he said, you wouldn't have gotten anything today otherwise. I looked right at the delivery guy and said "well it's a good thing they didn't call me, because I specifically asked for the models he knew he had in stock because I had NO fridge and I WOULD have had a fridge that day even if the manager had to empty out his own fridge and drive it on over. I thought the guy was gonna die laughing. I was dead serious. Who accepts stock and doesn't check it? You don't mess with a women who hasn't had a fridge in 2 days.

So I had to wait all day for the thing to freeze up good before I headed out this morning to put frozen stuff back into the new freezer. We lost everything because it had sat overnight without us knowing, so out it all went. Luckily because I was out of town the freezer was almost empty. But it sucked having to buy ketsup, mustard, mayo...etc. to replace what's gone. It also sucks that the freezer is half the size of the old one.

To pass along what the repair guy and the delivery guys told us yesterday...NEVER buy a Frigidaire! They are awful these days and don't hold up. They said they often don't make it to the 2 year warranty stage, ours lasted just past warranty. We didn't buy another one...the repair guy will be pleased.

After lunch.... the last day and the rest of my goodies!

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