Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Itty bitty rick rack...

I got a new pattern the other day and it has a bit of embroidery on the main piece, so about 6pm I wandered out for a quick run to JoAnn's to pick up some floss. Just in case I might want to start the work on it at some point this weekend. The trip turned into a gold mine!

When Sue Spargo taught our class she showed us scads of innovative things we could use to embellish and couch onto the funky little quilts, all sorts of weird yarns, ribbons, beads, cording, etc. As I went in, making my way back to the DMC floss I passed by the rick rack holder and the lime green caught my eye! Lime green in JoAnn's?
Not just lime green, but hot pink, lemon yellow, and two shades of teal..all in very tiny rickrack. On the right of the picture are the pieces I bought from Sue at the workshop. Regular rickrack and velvet rickrack. What a hoot to see such tiny rick rack in JoAnn's! I scooped up one of each. It's perfect for making stems, embellishing leaves..oh all sorts of things. And best yet it's 4 yards for $1.29. Nothing to break the bank.

I also found this funky yard in the back and wondered how it would look around flower petals, or as stems. It's main colors are orange, hot pink, teal, and lime!
Very cool! I think JoAnn's is moving up in the world of embellishments. Now if I could only find a great source for beads locally, I'd be all set.

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