Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter Day arrives....


Apologies to anyone who hates the books or doesn't get the excitement. To each his own. But I love them and I always have a standard date with hubby to see the new movie on the very first day! Normally we see the FIRST movie on the FIRST day, but 9AM was too much for me. So I Fandango'ed some tickets for the 3:20 showing and hubby is taking a half day off to take me on a movie date!

I have lots of finishes to show you, but I'll write about those later today. I spent Monday on the couch with a serious sinus headache sleeping and about 5PM finally started a bit of sewing and realized that it was getting awful warm in the house. A look at the thermostat showed 80 when it was supposed to be 74. Nothing coming out but warm air. it didn't help that the past 2 days here have been over 96 and with a heat index in the 100's with almost 100% humidity. So I turned on every fan and started calling. Strangely all the places that claim to have 24 hour emergency service...don't. But I got one to get me right in for yesterday and they were here at 1:30. Took 20 minutes to replace the ??capacitor?? who knows, and we were back in business. Of course when your house is 86 degrees it takes a very long time to cool it down again, especially when all the nooks and crannies are so hot too. Like the laundry room and closets. Finally about 10:30PM it got to 76 and turned off. I survived, but you don't sew in that heat, or use the very hot computer. You sit under 3 fans and try to read as quietly as possible.

Right now, I'm needed at the machine to get a few things done before the movies! Afterwards will be hand sewing time, so I like to get as much machine time as I can now!

Back again later!

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