Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thursday night with the Quilting Babes!

I can't believe that I had all those lovely women right in Sharon's house and didn't take a single picture of all of us? Sad, but too true.

Sharon lead the car toward home after the last shop and we piled into her house ready for a rest. Her husband, who was just the sweetest guy, had everything ready for dinner, in the ovens and ready to go so we could do nothing but visit. Carol was already there with Shirley, waiting for us to arrive and the rest of the Quilting Babes showed up on cue one at a time. THIS was our surprise! It was regular stitch night for the Babes and Sharon had arranged to change nights and have it at her house and for the ladies to bring quilts for show and tell. They do marvelous work! The quilts always look fabulous in pictures, but in person you get to see the stitches and the largeness of most of them and it's simply wonderful. We had such a good time eating a wonderful Chicken quiche, salad and veggies...not to mention Carolyn's fantastic brownies for desert!

After dinner we got to go into the "stewdio" and learn a new trick that Sharon used for the great circle quilt that you can see here. A fool proof spectacular way to make round perfect circles that are perfect every applique. I only wish I had thought to take pictures while we were all still at the house, but if you click on the link above the opening shot is of the whole group of Quilting Babes at their latest birthday quilt sewing. After everyone trickled out we sat down with Sharon and her husband and had a nice little talk that unfortunately had to end way too soon. We needed to head back. Since they had graciously picked us up at the hotel, Sharon and her hubby drove us all the way back to the hotel where we said our goodbyes.

This is Sharon and I. Be kind it was 10:30 at night after a very long day and we were tired. That's me in the white. Sharon, I had the most fun meeting you and spending time with your sewing group. Your home is just lovely and really reflects you. I'll leave you all with the picture of us in front of the watermelon quilt in Sharon's den. It's one of 3 made by Sharon, Ibby and has quite a story behind it, but I'll let Sharon tell that one if she wants one day.

PS: The Angel Worry stone is in my purse where I will hold it any time I get too worried over the next few months of doctors and surgeries. Thanks for thinking of both of us.

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