Friday, June 15, 2007

New Quilt and fabrics...

YES...I am aware that I have MANY, quilts in various stages to completion and I have more work to get done that any one could have to do. But when your mother asks for a quilt you go and get the fabric and start thinking. So I ordered fabric. Had to. She wants yellow and greens. I didn't have anything like that in the stash...not in the quantities needed. I have greens....I love muted greens and off colored greens and I love dark brooding golds, but those aren't the colors she really wants. I know where the quilt is going and she wants happy yellows and greens. So off to the online stores and shopping I went.My order from Thousands of Bolts. Disregard the white sticky's, I like to keep them on so I remember the yardage. I settled for olive greens which she loves (her fridge is olive green ladies). I just couldn't do all grass greens. I have a few that might get tossed in here and there, but for the most part these are the colors of choice.

Now onto the pattern. I saw a snippet of one of Libby's quilts hanging behind some other things in one of her pictures and went hunting for a pattern. No luck. She graciously helped with the block name. It's similar to the Bento Box square. After looking around with still no luck, I got off my lazy rump and drew up the block in EQ. Alternating rings of color and then you slice the block into 4 sections and put it back together with opposite parts so it makes alternating colors. Let's see if I can't get a copy of the block from EQ for the blog... easier than I thought. This is how the block looks when sewn back together. I have the most fun adding all those fabrics into the EQ blocks, don't you?

Once I got enough patterns I laid out the quilt and it should look something like this? What do you all think? Easy but pretty huh? I could have done a 2 color quilt, but I got the fabrics before I picked the pattern so this works.
But wait...I also saw Kathie's Crossed Canoe's (scroll down) and thought this pattern would work famously too. So who knows. I'll see what the fabric requirements for each pattern are a decide from there. I have the pattern for the Crossed Canoes in one of my scrap books so it will be just as easy. I'll let you know what I decide to do. I have the whole weekend!! *s*

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