Monday, June 25, 2007

Back from Primitives!

There's no place like home! After a fabulous trip and a very long day I finally got back in my state and back in my own home! Last night I was so pooped I wouldn't even attempted to ever look at the computer. I missed the sweetie too much. It will take all week to go through all the packages and stuff I bought, the projects, pictures, emails and what looks to be over 175 blog posts! I'll get to them all but I won't be able to comment on every one, though I would love to.

I got caught up on my Mom's condition and got full reports from my sister on all the visits I missed. Friday is the oncologist. Stage 3 A lung cancer. They plan a short chemo round and then removal of what's left of the tumor and nodes.

The laundry started last night and will continue today as will sorting out all my packages and purchases. The new wool that I found to be so delicious and had to have loads of.... the kits from the lovely teachers and classes I didn't get to take... and finishing all the projects from the classes that I was fortunate to spend time in. Those ladies were even more giving and wonderful than I could ever have imagined. Spending a whole day with Quiltgranny Sharon and her wonderful friend Carolyn, going all over Kansas to shops I only dreamed existed! We are severely wool and homespun challenged in my area. Best yet was getting to have the special honor of being one of the "Amazing Quilt Babes" for the night with Sharon and Carolyn's sewing group. Ladies, it was sheer heaven to meet you and get to see your quilts in person. You do fabulous work!

Best part of all was getting to meet Libby in person and doing all this great stuff with her. She deserves a medal for dealing with all my quirks and idiosyncrasies. It was the most fun I have had quilt wise in years! Everything down to the packaging of the kits was done above and beyond! No pictures yet, but I will share what I received from my lovely friends...

As well as being our chaperone's on the best fabric trip EVER, a fabulous dinner, and being such a wonderful friend, she offered to pack and ship these 2 bog boxes for me of all my purchases that day. Lucky too, since the suitcase was so packed that IF the airlines had attempted to search my checked bag, someone surely would have lost a limb! They arrived about 15 minutes ago and I can't wait to rip into them!
And last but not least by any means, was this lovely little quilt from Libby! All packaged up in a vacuum sealed bag smelling just like the Maxwell house coffee can. My very first experience with coffee dying. Hubby was in heaven with the smell. It's already found a place of honor on the living room wall!

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