Sunday, April 1, 2007

Month 10 complete... a little bit more. Since finishing this block required it being attached to the bigger piece I decided to go ahead and add more blocks so I could sew everything down.

I'm not sure why this month we got 2 very tiny blocks to do...heck after the last 2 months of having huge sections, it's a bit odd.

So I grabbed some red and white and made the flag stripes so they could be sewn down partially. I sewed the seam leaving about 2 inches towards the bottom to attach the blue star field and the other blocks before sewing the whole thing together. This let me sew the whole Freedom angel and lay down the flowers and bias tape around the Rememberance block.

I'm actually ready to get this finished so I might either call Homestead Hearth and ask the possibility of having them send me all the rest NOW, or just use my own fabrics and the massive ziplock bag of scraps from the past months to go ahead and complete it now. I hope some of you are still's a great quilt.

******Remember MY contributions to this blog can also be found over in my blog archives located here!

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