Sunday, April 1, 2007

The beginning...

Addendum: In reality today is August 14, 2008. Since I've been making this quilt with some fabulous ladies, I realized that Beth might not want to maintain the Sweet Land of Liberty blog once we are done with the quilt, but that there might be some people who could benefit from the tips and seeing the blocks progress. SO I decided to copy my posts onto my blog and backdate them all for April 2007 into my own blog so that I can retain them for anyone who needs or wants the help in the future. I'll put them on the sidebar so anyone can find them easily.

Thanks Beth for starting the blog.

Here's the packet I received. It will be interesting to see if Dixie and I receive the exact same fabrics. The only thing I plan to change is the colors of the USA fabrics. They sent mostly grays and I really want mine blue and red. This should be a lot of fun to do together. One thing to remember is any size that she gives for blocks: ie... block size, already includes the seam allowance, but template pieces DO NOT. That seems to be the most important thing to make sure of. It's helped a lot with doing the Christmas Sampler. Hopefully next time I'll have something started to show!

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