Sunday, April 1, 2007

Back to Month 6 for a bit...

Before I actually started the stars the other day I got the liberty fish done...Now notice that I have quite a huge chunk of fabric to the left...well this must be there because you can't make the fish without having the Victory flowers background attached already. SO in our BOM they sent us the block that included the Snails Trail blocks and the liberty fish but just the background for the flower pot block.

Since I'm behind due to arm problems I got the pieces for the Victory flowers a few weeks ago and started sewing those last night. I'll show you the whole block when I get that done...just a few more things to add, but the hands need a little break.

**TIP: don't pay attention to my strip size on the fish bottom. I don't have a clue what size width I cut those strips but it was wrong! Works for me rather than all the skinny strips, but I could change it if I wanted. It still has to be trimmed to the final size too.

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