Sunday, April 1, 2007

america and red birds...check!

I'm still moving along...getting the strips sewn on the side sq. in a sq. blocks so I could add the redbirds and the word "america" to the panel. Now, when you make the 5 square in a square blocks, Cheri mentions adding a small piece to the bottom. Nowhere does it say how much so I added a big chunk. Now I'm thinking it might not have been so big. Might need more but no biggie. I've already got one seam peeking because I forgot about adding the extra the first time. Be can always trim later.

This is the way it looks added into it's rightful place.

I also was able to finish the Oak leaves block and get the lower right corner finished and assembled. I made mine from 100% wool felt and this makes turning all those dips and curves non-existent. This completes all the blocks for the quilt...leaving out any of the borders, but remember the borders on this quilt are extensive. The sides are plainer, but the top and bottom borders are full of paper pieced stars and houses, as well as the title block for the quilt!

Now I know Kathie is working on Cheri's Christmas Sampler quilt and also prep-ing the blocks for this quilt. Maybe I can entice her to post a tiny bit of her prepped blocks so everyone can see them...just one or two maybe??

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