Thursday, March 1, 2007

K is for Kite...L is for Log Cabin...

Sorry ladies, I sort of slacked on doing these individual posts for the quilt! This one was a fun block and it's attached to the L block too, so two blocks in to speak!

I've actually gotten used to doing as much prep on the applique pieces as I can using the starch turning method. I use two pieces of freezer paper, ironed together to make a reverse of the pattern piece and turn those edges using the starch and water mixture. Boy it saves a lot of turning with the needle and for my arms it's all good since that hurts the most.

Even the tiny head and hands got pre-turned. I like the idea of seeing a BIG letter before the wording so you can keep up with what the blocks stands for so I made a larger K by turning under a strip of bias and forming a capitol K. It was fairly simple and made from 3 separate pieces. I use Roxanne's glue Baste-it to hold the legs on before sewing. I actually made a larger L but didn't like how it looked so I left that block as is.

Luckily Cheri gave us great measurements for all the strips needed. I did increase the size of the Log Cabin piece in the last row so I had plenty to turn under for stitching. That extra quarter inch helps give you something to grab onto when getting a good turn and just make sit a bit easier. You don't have to do it, it just helped me a bit.

Again, I did the tiny Log Cabin first, but did not sew it on. Instead laying it in place and marking the embroidery, then stitching it before adding the applique piece afterwards. That would have been very hard to hoop over it with all those seams.

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